Episode 444

Published on:

8th Jun 2023

Episode 444- Japan's Ocean Plastic Problem & Beach CleanUp with YouTubers

Plastic pollution and the Ocean Plastics problem is one of the biggest issues in Japan for people like me focused on sustainability. Important topic for #worldoceansday June 8th.

This is episode 444 (4 connects with death in Japan) I talk about Japan's biggest sustainability issue plastic- particularly the ocean plastic pollution problem and include clips from when I joined FFS group for a cleanup in May.

The FFS group organizers include Rachel & Jun, ToriChyan on a beach littered with plastic pollution from the fishing industry and consumer waste. Organized by the fabulous Fukuoka For Sustainability FFS group - we met on a beach cleanup in the biggest city in Kyushu- Japan's south island- called Fukuoka. https://ffs.green/

Please sign the petition to stop plastic use in Hiroshima's oyster industry: https://www.change.org/p/stop-the-use...

Find out more about FFS Fukuoka For Sustainability: https://ffs.green/

Watch Rachel & Jun's video cleanup at the same beach:   

 • We cleaned a Japa...  

#seeksustainablepod #japan #youtuber #podcast #sustainable #beachcleanup #community #activism #sustainabletravel #sustainability

It's the 444th episode of the Seek Sustainable Japan podcast & The number 4 has an ominous meaning in Japan connected to death and destruction- so it was fitting to talk about one of the biggest issues putting people, planet and profits out of balance in Japan- the plastic pollution problem in our oceans.

Thanks to Casey Bean for the Background Music on the 2023 Podcasts - now 2 original albums on Bandcamp where you name your price to buy his music https://caseybean.bandcamp.com/

Show artwork for Seek Sustainable Japan

About the Podcast

Seek Sustainable Japan
Good people doing Great things
Seek Sustainable Japan is a positive view of sustainable Japan through discussions with "Good People Doing Great Things" as a way to share ideas worth preserving and building on. Everything from community building to Japanese culture, art, crafts, trades, reuse & renovation, farming, entrepreneurship, sustainable business & products, events, organizations, travel & traditions. All of the guests on the show are creating a more sustainable Japan [i.e. better people-planet-profits balance] through their work, projects and way of life.
JJWalsh is founder of the Inbound-Ambassador co. as well as founder & host of the talkshow-podcast Seek Sustainable Japan. JJ is originally from Hawaii, but now a 30 year+ Japan resident. JJ is a sustainability-focused guide, educator and consultant based in Hiroshima Japan.

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jj walsh

Hi I'm Joy (JJ) originally from Hawaii & long-time Hiroshima-jin (jin=person). My work and content is focused on sustainability & how we can make better choices to balance the needs of people, planet and profits in our lives, work and travel. Join me as I talk with wonderful people and visit interesting places in Japan.
Reach out: inboundambassador@gmail.com
InboundAmbassador.com | SeekSustainableJapan.com | All Links: https://linktr.ee/jjwalsh