Episode 351

Published on:

16th Feb 2022

Grow Your Own Food Advocates Promote Farming in Urban & Rural Japan | #ChuckKayser #JonWalsh

Chuck Kayser and Jon Walsh team up to promote farming and growing your own food in Japan. Chuck is a farmer and community builder and farming advocate and educator in rural areas of Kyoto and Shiga and Jon is a community builder and farming advocate and educator in urban areas of Tokyo.

00:00 Welcome

00:30 Hamburgers to Homegrown

03:30 GrowYourOwnFood Motivation

07:15 Kids excited about veggies

11:00 Brussel Sprouts

13:00 Nao Fukuoka Workshops

14:10 Urban Food Security in Disasters

16:00 City Food Growing Innovation

17:10 Raised Beds & Containers

20:00 Family's plant seeds of interest

24:00 Learning from Mistakes

27:00 Seeds vs Sprouts

33:00 Learn from Experience

34:20 Soil Amendments

37:11 You Bet Your Garden Radio Show

38:00 Government Support in Japan

43:00 Composting Enthusiasm

46:50 Worm Bin Composting

48:00 Bokashi Composting to Liquid Gold

50:20 Chuck's Film Festival Event

52:00 Jon's Workshops & Food Havens

Chuck and Jon are now collaborating on workshops and training sessions and will introduce some of the projects they are planning for this year which will empower more people across Japan (& the world) to grow your own food.

They will give us details for how to sign up for their online training program to "Start Your Spring Garden" this month :)

LINKS mentioned in the talk

Chuck Kayser

Midori Farms: https://www.midorifarm.net/home-en

My visit to Midori Farms: https://youtu.be/9rCAzuPFizI

2021 Talk: https://youtu.be/cl_MR0uT5lc

Jon Walsh



Interview with Jon Walsh in 2020: https://youtu.be/bZ14OOg4MjU

#growyourownfood #japan #jonwalsh #chuckkayser #ruraljapan #urbanfarming #farmingjapan #organicfarming #naturalfarming #seeksustainablejapan #jjwalsh #talkshow #podcast #sustainability #sdgs #sustainable #2030goals #2050goals #foodsecurity #sustainablebusiness #sustainablelifestyle

JJWalsh is a sustainability-focused content creator who founded InboundAmbassador to help entrepreneurs & SME's promote the value of sustainability in their brand. She hosts Seeking Sustainability in Japan LIVE to support "good people doing great things" in Japan.


Please join, become a monthly sponsor or a 1-time donation supporter on YouTube / Patreon / BuyMeACoffee / or KoFi - every little bit helps keep Seek Sustainable Japan going, thank you!


Music by Hana Victoria

Music rights to "Won't you See" purchased for Seek Sustainable Japan 2022

Hana Victoria Short Bio

My name is Hana Victoria, and I am a Japanese-American singer songwriter who dreams of inspiring, encouraging and empowering others through my music. Every word, melody, and visual comes straight from my heart, and I hope they influence you in some positive way :)

Show artwork for Seek Sustainable Japan

About the Podcast

Seek Sustainable Japan
Good people doing Great things
Seek Sustainable Japan is a positive view of sustainable Japan through discussions with "Good People Doing Great Things" as a way to share ideas worth preserving and building on. Everything from community building to Japanese culture, art, crafts, trades, reuse & renovation, farming, entrepreneurship, sustainable business & products, events, organizations, travel & traditions. All of the guests on the show are creating a more sustainable Japan [i.e. better people-planet-profits balance] through their work, projects and way of life.
JJWalsh is founder of the Inbound-Ambassador co. as well as founder & host of the talkshow-podcast Seek Sustainable Japan. JJ is originally from Hawaii, but now a 30 year+ Japan resident. JJ is a sustainability-focused guide, educator and consultant based in Hiroshima Japan.

#inboundambassador #seeksustainablejapan
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jj walsh

Hi I'm Joy (JJ) originally from Hawaii & long-time Hiroshima-jin (jin=person). My work and content is focused on sustainability & how we can make better choices to balance the needs of people, planet and profits in our lives, work and travel. Join me as I talk with wonderful people and visit interesting places in Japan.
Reach out: inboundambassador@gmail.com
InboundAmbassador.com | SeekSustainableJapan.com | All Links: https://linktr.ee/jjwalsh