Episode 468

Published on:

31st Dec 2023

Top-3 Sustainable Japan Highlights in 2023 with Joy & Tove

Welcome to our last 30-min chat of 2023 - what were the top-3 sustainable highlights in Japan for us this year?

LINKS (== Tove ~~ Joy)

== Kamikatsu Zero Waste Center & Hotel & Upcycle shop is an inspiring place for training people in how to put sustainable ideas and targets into action: https://www.y-ship.yokohama/green-transformation/

== Sustainable Japan - company sponsored articles on sustainability strategies and initiatives in corporate and government Japan. The Roundtable series is a discussion with entrepreneurs worth reading: https://sustainable.japantimes.com/roundtable  @sustainablejapanbythejapan3311 

== MyMizu (free app to find clean, free water fill ups for your health & to reduce plastic - the new collaboration with KIRIN beverage co is worth watching in 2024! https://www.mymizu.co/news-ja-archive/kirin-mymizu | https://www.mymizu.co/en/web-app

== Y-ship is a facility holding great events in the Tokyo area - an example of cross-sector collaboration in action: https://www.y-ship.yokohama/green-transformation/

~~ Renovating old houses was a trending topic on YouTube Japan and at events like the Minka Summit in 2023 - we expect further growth in this exciting area of sustainable building, living and moving out to revive rural communities in Japan

~ Rural Japan talks playlist on Seek Sustainable Japan talkshow-podcast: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcyYXjRuE20GX6TdOIg7J5ZmKd2HwgoRw&si=Au0ImfF4sCxFaqKM

~ Akiya Minka (Old Traditional House) Renovation projects in Japan playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcyYXjRuE20FnRrydax7RWlFLxibc6N-X&si=_aDvXxwItIr1iPok

~~ Growing healthy, organic food in Japan was another important topic this year and we need to support our local farmers and farms as much as possible in 2024 and beyond (the number of farmers in Japan is on a steep decline) Grow Your Own Food - Farms Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcyYXjRuE20GajKYIPFOfVexBBeLTXFHk&si=FxVuFIUmT1yVfH-L

~~ Fabric KK (Tokyo) consulting and data research company highlighting awareness of sustainability by consumers in Japan and created a great event to train as well as inform. 3rd year of research available to the public: https://fbrc.co/en/sustainability-in-japan

James Hollow CEO of Fabric talks about the 3rd year of data: https://www.youtube.com/live/556AG_Gh9Z4?si=xz6tTXXBKMuOW94b

BIG THANKS TO CASEY BEAN for the Original Music we used in 2023 for our BGM - please support his musical projects on Bandcamp by naming your price to download and enjoy it!

If you have suggestions for a song or another original artist in Japan for 2024 please get in touch :)

Show artwork for Seek Sustainable Japan

About the Podcast

Seek Sustainable Japan
Good people doing Great things
Seek Sustainable Japan is a positive view of sustainable Japan through discussions with "Good People Doing Great Things" as a way to share ideas worth preserving and building on. Everything from community building to Japanese culture, art, crafts, trades, reuse & renovation, farming, entrepreneurship, sustainable business & products, events, organizations, travel & traditions. All of the guests on the show are creating a more sustainable Japan [i.e. better people-planet-profits balance] through their work, projects and way of life.
JJWalsh is founder of the Inbound-Ambassador co. as well as founder & host of the talkshow-podcast Seek Sustainable Japan. JJ is originally from Hawaii, but now a 30 year+ Japan resident. JJ is a sustainability-focused guide, educator and consultant based in Hiroshima Japan.

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jj walsh

Hi I'm Joy (JJ) originally from Hawaii & long-time Hiroshima-jin (jin=person). My work and content is focused on sustainability & how we can make better choices to balance the needs of people, planet and profits in our lives, work and travel. Join me as I talk with wonderful people and visit interesting places in Japan.
Reach out: inboundambassador@gmail.com
InboundAmbassador.com | SeekSustainableJapan.com | All Links: https://linktr.ee/jjwalsh