Episode 142

Published on:

18th Nov 2020

Vintage Kimono Stylist + Photographer in Tokyo | Stasia Matsumoto

Stasia Matsumoto is founder of InKimono a kimono styling, rental, sales and photo services shop located online and in Akasaka in 2019- Akasaka is a trendy yet traditional area of central Tokyo.

Stasia studied Kimono design, history, techincal skills and styling at the Aoyama Kimono Gakuin (school) and graduated in 2019. She also studied wasai, kimono design & sewing in private lessons to develop her skills.

In 2019, she did over 150 Kimono shoots for individuals, couples, families and groups - she only takes one booking each day and is often booked up 6 weeks in advance. Prices range from 20,000~50,000 per person or group for a half-day session including high-quality photos.

Stasia is passionate about being inclusive and has been creating her own plus-size kimono and providing services for customers with tattoos, same sex partners .. everyone can and does look gorgeous in kimono in their own uniquely gorgeous way - it's wonderful to see inclusive shops like hers opening up in Japan that makes everyone feel welcome + included in this traditional Japanese cultural art.




#kimonostylist #tokyo #inkimono #stasiamatsumoto

Watch this and other great talks on the InboundAmbassador/JJWalsh YouTube Channel

Music thanks to @hikosaemon via SoundCloud

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Seek Sustainable Japan
Good people doing Great things
Seek Sustainable Japan is a positive view of sustainable Japan through discussions with "Good People Doing Great Things" as a way to share ideas worth preserving and building on. Everything from community building to Japanese culture, art, crafts, trades, reuse & renovation, farming, entrepreneurship, sustainable business & products, events, organizations, travel & traditions. All of the guests on the show are creating a more sustainable Japan [i.e. better people-planet-profits balance] through their work, projects and way of life.
JJWalsh is founder of the Inbound-Ambassador co. as well as founder & host of the talkshow-podcast Seek Sustainable Japan. JJ is originally from Hawaii, but now a 30 year+ Japan resident. JJ is a sustainability-focused guide, educator and consultant based in Hiroshima Japan.

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jj walsh

Hi I'm Joy (JJ) originally from Hawaii & long-time Hiroshima-jin (jin=person). My work and content is focused on sustainability & how we can make better choices to balance the needs of people, planet and profits in our lives, work and travel. Join me as I talk with wonderful people and visit interesting places in Japan.
Reach out: inboundambassador@gmail.com
InboundAmbassador.com | SeekSustainableJapan.com | All Links: https://linktr.ee/jjwalsh